The shoe is designed for trail and terrain running, and suits runners at all levels who are looking for a running shoe that has a natural feel and an accurate grip. The sole is designed by following the same ideology as the previous FEET models. The most important feature of a terrain running shoe is an excellent grip on all surfaces. The structure of the outer sole and the quality of the rubber on it has been the main focus while developing the shoe, and the best possible finish has been achieved thanks to meticulous testing. The fabric on the top of the shoe follows the form of the foot, making the shoe fit perfectly around it. The inside of the fabric is laminated, which eliminates all friction between the shoe and the foot. The Trail running shoe works well also in wet conditions; the fabric of the shoe is not water proof, allowing for water to exit the shoe. The materials used on the shoe tolerate getting wet and maintain their form well. FEET Trail is the perfect shoe for trail running, terrain running and orienteering.
Weight ca 230 g. Drop 4 mm.
Size guide
As a guide to finding the right size for you, stand upright on a ruler or tape measure, and measure from heel to toe. This is your foot's length. Add 1cm to know your correct shoe size.