The shoe is designed for runners at any level, from beginners to active runners. The sole includes an integrated bouncy plate, which makes the rolling-effect more efficient, in addition to dividing the pressure between the pressure carrying structures on the front of the foot.
The sole of the shoe supports and follows the natural biomechanics of the feet, thus helping you to avoid wrong movements from the beginning. Incorrect biomechanical stress is the most common cause of repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) on the foot and throughout the whole kinetical chain. Evo+ is also an excellent choice for an active runner; it suits perfectly as a training shoe. The shoe helps also active runners with preventing RSIs, which is the primary objective of any runner.
Weight ca 250 g, Drop 6 mm.
Size Guide
As a guide to finding the right size for you, stand upright on a ruler or tape measure, and measure from heel to toe. This is your foot's length. Add 1cm to know your correct shoe size.